
My cause of concern: Technology

In the last few years technology has taken over most of the parts of our lives. Given the fact that it evolved so much, helping us in some ways, it also has negative influences on our lives.

Not only that many of us waste our time doing nothing in front of a laptop or a tablet, we also get to depend on technology in many situations like supermarkets, the place we work at, banks, etc. Our dependency on technology in some situations comes right back in our faces when something doesn't work right. That is because we are starting to forget how to face life without technology, in a way we could handle some things withouth the help of machines.

I admit that technology is important for us humans since it ensures us some facilities, but as many things, the bright part tends to be not so bright. Technology affects the enviroment we live in and which we tend to neglect these days, it affects our health(not only our eyes from staring into our lovely pc's and tv's but also our back, neck, shoulders, hands, weight, and also our internal organs-yes, sitting too much in a chair in front of the pc affects those too!-), our mind, our energy(radio waves and such have a big effect on our energy, therefore our mood) and the list goes on.

My point for this discussion would be that we need to take breaks from technology as much as we can(laptops, tv's, mobiles and other related things, being in the top of the list). We should try to get outside of our shells and do nothing outside, where the air is fresh and where there are no worries.

We should remember were we started from and try to go back in time by actually doing things that we used to do then, when technology wasn't such a big part of our lives.


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